Making Phone Calls Guide
Tips for Calling Legislators
Make it personal if you can. Tell how this bill will affect you/your community.
Be clear and concise.
Be respectful.
Stick to the facts.
Click here for resources, representatives addresses, and background information
Sample Phone Script
Community Member: Hello, I would like to make a comment to Senator/Representative ____________ about a legislative matter (name the bill or the specific issue): __________________________________. OR: Hello, I would like to speak with the individual in your office who handles Redistricting issues.
Legislative staff member: Certainly. I can transfer you to _______. (Or they may be able to help you.)
Community Member: My name is _______________________, and I live in (city, state): _____________. I’m calling you because I’m very concerned about (issue of concern or name & number of the bill) ____________________________________________________________________________________ . You are my (Senator/Representative) and I want to know that I can count on you to (support/oppose) (issue of concern or name & number of the bill): ____________________________________________________ because (give brief explanation of why you support/oppose the bill): ___________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ .
Legislative staff member: I will give your message to Senator/Representative _________, (Ask for the person to read the message back to you for correctness.) Would you like for him/her to send a response to you?
Community Member: Yes, please send a response by email at (your email address): _______________________ or by phone at _________________________. Thank you for your time, good-bye.