Resource Library
As mapping tools have become more sophisticated and elections have become less competitive, partisan gerrymandering has become a critical issue across the country. There is no shortage of information about gerrymandering and how it affects our democracy.
This section offers a library of select resources that will help you learn more about the issue.
Legislative Resource Page
Media Resource Page
Statistical and Data Resources:
Statistical Atlas: Interactive maps with detailed geographical and demographical information about states and districts
Open Precincts: Complete, legislative-quality database of electoral precinct data
Redistricting Reform Groups:
Redistricting in other states:
Wikipedia: Various commissions across the US.
Ballotpedia: Challenges to the systems.
Ballotpedia: How states go about redistricting .
Gerrymandering Information Groups:
In Depth Reports:
Atlanta Magazine: How redrawing districts has kept Georgia incumbents in power.
ACLU: Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Redistricting but Were Afraid to Ask
Brennan Center: A Citizen’s Guide to Redistricting
Center for American Progress: Redistricting and Representation: Drawing Fair Election Districts Instead of Manipulated Maps
Videos and Podcasts:
Gerrymandering: The Next Atlanta, Fox 5 News with reporter George Chidi
EmpowerMap Presentation: The Problems Caused by Rigged Districts, by Brian Cannon, OneVirginia 2021 Executive Director
EmpowerMap Presentation: Legal Efforts to Fight Gerrymandering, by Emmett Bondurant, Partner, Bondurant, Mixson & Elmore, LL
EmpowerMap Presentation: Legislative Fair Districts Efforts in Georgia, by GA Senator Elena Parent
OneVirginia2021: GerryRIGGED: Turning Democracy On Its Head
CBS Sunday Morning: Drawing the Lines on Gerrymandering (January 14, 2018)
Duke University: Reason, Reform, and Redistricting
You Don’t Have to Yell: Episode 42 by Dan Vicuña, Common Cause. Apple Podcasts
Bill Moyers: Stealing America’s Democracy, One Vote at a Time, Moyers on Democracy
Emory Professor Carol Anderson: Historian and Emory Professor Carol Anderson on the assault to undermine voting rights. Apple Podcasts
Georgia on our minds: These not-so-united states featuring Ken Lawler
If We Can Keep It: Interviews with big national names in redistricting reform advocacy Apple Podcasts
The Gerrymandering Project: From FiveThirtyEight/ABC News, overview of issues and state examples Apple Podcasts
Politicology: Drawing Democracy episodes are a primer on gerrymandering Use browser search (CTRL-F) to search for “Drawing Democracy” subtitles to find these three episodes.
On Democracy's Doorstep: The Inside Story of How the Supreme Court Brought "One Person, One Vote" to the United States, J. Douglas Smith (2014)
Ratf**ked: The True Story Behind the Secret Plan to Steal America's Democracy, David Daley (2016)
One Person, No Vote: How Voter Suppression is Destroying Our Democracy, Carol Anderson (2018)
Unrigged: How Americans are Battling Back to Save Democracy by David Daley (2020)
Rise and Fall of the Voting Rights Act (Studies in American Constitutional Heritage Book 2) by Charles S. Bullock (2016)
Redistricting: The Most Political Activity in America by Charles S. Bullock (2010)
Gerrymanders: How Redistricting Has Protected Slavery, White Supremacy, and Partisan Minorities in Virginia by Brent Tarter (2019)
Redistricting Reform Experts on Twitter:
Michael Li (Brennan Center): @mcpli
Dave Wasserman (Cook Political Report): @Redistrict
Rick Hasen (UC Irvine): @Rick Hasen
The Redistricting Network : @RedistrictNet
Attendees at Redistricting Reform in Georgia.