
Help us fight for competitive districts and fair elections in Georgia.

Fair Districts GA is a non-partisan, non-profit organization that fights to create a fair and competitive redistricting system in Georgia.  Our work addresses a fundamental American question:  without fair elections, do we have a true democracy?

We have two options for donations.

Donations to Fair Districts GA Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charity, sustains important our work in:

Research into fair maps, election results, and local redistricting

Educational programs brought to your communities, schools, and civic organizations

Community Outreach which brings the work of Fair Districts into local communities

Communication the creates and distributes compelling content via our town halls, monthly newsletters, and social media platforms

Donations to Fair Districts GA Foundation are tax-deductible, charitable donations. Consult your tax advisor for your situation. Click the “Donate Now” button below to donate using PayPal, Venmo, Apple Pay or any debit or credit card.

Donations to Fair Districts GA, a 501(c)(4) organization, sustains our advocacy work:

Lobbying events reaching state legislators, our Congressional delegation, and other elected officials

Grassroots campaigns involving citizens from around the state in postcard writing, letter writing, testimony training, and community advocacy to local elected officials.

Donations to Fair Districts GA, a 501(c)(4) organization, are not tax-deductible.

FDGA accepts Venmo (@FDGAven) or, donate using any major credit card with PayPal, and thank you for your support.

Fair Districts GA board member, Nancy Watkins, explains ways that individuals can get involved in the fight for redistricting reform

Fair Districts GA board member, Nancy Watkins, explains ways that individuals can get involved in the fight for redistricting reform

Fair Districts GA board member, Lindsay Hodgson, speaks at a press conference to announce new legislation to guarantee a transparent and open redistricting process in Georgia.  Behind her from left to right:  Andrea Young (ACLU-GA), State Representa…

Fair Districts GA board member, Lindsay Hodgson, speaks at a press conference to announce new legislation to guarantee a transparent and open redistricting process in Georgia. Behind her from left to right: Andrea Young (ACLU-GA), State Representative Matt Wilson, State Senator Elena Parent, Cindy Battles (Common Cause GA), Ronnie Mosley (Georgia Coalition for the People's Agenda), Karuna Ramachandran (Deputy Director of Asian Americans Advancing Justice Atlanta), and Jerry Gonzalez (GALEO).