Democracy Act

Transparency Act

Here is the official state text of Georgia House Resolution 55 and Senate Resolution 20 (identical text in each bill). This redistricting bill has been labeled the Democracy Act. (Direct PDF here). You can view a guide to this bill, updated 2-08-2021.

Here is the official state text of House Bill 189, called the Transparency Act. (Direct PDF here). You can view a guide to this bill, updated 2-22-2021. The Senate version of the Transparency Act has different wording than the House Bill.

Lobbying Tips

These are tips for lobbying the legislature presented at our Jan 6, 2019 Lobbyist Orientation by Perry Mitchell.

Passing a Bill in Georgia

This is a flowchart and description of the legislative process in Georgia.

Steps for Amending the Georgia Constitution (PDF) (Word)